Ilham’s story begins in 2016, when her supervisor invited her to a Connecting Classrooms training event. Connecting Classrooms was our global education programme for schools, aimed at supporting millions of young people to develop the knowledge, skills, and values they need for life and work in a global world.

The training supported Ilham to connect and learn with other teachers, and to embed core and 21st-century skills into her curriculum. It marked a new chapter in her career, setting the stage for an ongoing pursuit of learning.

In 2017, Ilham seized the opportunity to apply for our International School Award. The award celebrates schools that are encouraging international awareness and understanding in their classrooms. Ilham led seven education projects at her school and worked tirelessly with her peers to demonstrate their commitment to fostering an international ethos. This hard work paid off: in July 2018, they clinched the award, catapulting Ilham’s school to prominence within the local community.

She continued learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, engaging in webinars and courses from the British Council and platforms like FutureLearn. Topics included the development of mental health and well-being frameworks for schools.

In 2022, we invited Ilham to join the online course From Teacher to Trainer, delivered by the Norwich Institute of Language Education. Recognising it as a good opportunity to work towards her goal of becoming an education inspector, Ilham approached the rigorous curriculum with her usual determination. Over four months of intensive study, Ilham honed her skills in designing effective training sessions, guided by principles of adaptability and impact assessment. Her final assignment – a dynamic workshop incorporating cutting-edge methodologies – perfectly encapsulated her journey from learner to leader.

Armed with her newfound expertise, Ilham later approached the Inspector’s National Exam with confidence, drawing upon her training to craft a compelling plan for teacher development. But Ilham’s journey with the British Council didn’t stop there. In 2023, our partnership with the Center for the Training of Education Inspectors in Rabat provided a platform for further growth. The five-day intensive training programme offered a wealth of knowledge and inspiration, reinforcing Ilham’s commitment to excellence.