Umesh Balal Magar is an inspiring young climate advocate whose story has begun by standing for the climate rights of differently abled people. As a student of environmental science, he noticed a big gap in climate change advocacy for vulnerable communities in his country. His passion then grew to bring his knowledge and expertise together to advocate for inclusive climate actions, discussions as well as rescue plans and policies.

Umesh actively works to amplify youth voices in his community, by coordinating with the government of Nepal to raise awareness about climate change and giving young people a better place at the policy-making table.

He is involved in climate change actions with the desire to speak for an underrepresented
community who are the most affected by natural disasters at the frontline.

Step by step, Umesh became a member of the ethnic Magar community in Nepal's Gulmi region, he works to promote climate justice for all, especially those who are marginalized by society.

Additionally, he took part in discussions and debates at both climate change conferences in Glasgow as the Country Coordinator for Nepal. He highlighted at COY16 the value of high-quality education in promoting young leadership and climate justice and participated in the intergenerational dialogue all along the two weeks of COP26.